Stepping Stones Catering Project - Awarded £5,000 2014

This project, based in Norwich, teaches cooking skills to people with a learning disability.  

Cooking is a vital part of Stepping Stones. Students take turns to cook lunch for the group, taking pride in their ability to provide a tasty and nutritious lunch for others, often using produce they have grown themselves.  It’s a great way to do something nice for others and goes to the core of what Stepping Stones is about - supporting each other, working together and being a part of the community.

Through the autumn they continued to receive an abundance of healthy fruit and vegetables, lovingly grown on the allotment by the Green Fingers crew.

What couldn’t be used straight away was stored in freezers to last through the winter months.  The last of the red currants were used to make red currant jelly. Added to that the kitchen team have transformed beetroot into relish, rhubarb,  black currants and raspberries into jam and the marrows (kindly donated by their  allotment neighbour John)  have been used to create jars of our  spicy mango-like Marrow Chutney.  

Also in the autumn the kitchen was inspected by Norwich City Council receiving a hygiene rating of 5.

Well done to all concerned.